Its a chilly semi-rainy day here at A&G Land.. The kind of day where the sky glimmers the color of clay and soot, and casts a dreary pall over everything including individual mood if one allows it..
But we here are in a chipper mood; a brainstorming mood.
We decided to spend the morning asking ourselves one simple question-- "What are some realistic steps that could be done to improve the US economy?"
The keyword is 'realistic'; nothing grandiose like the Federal Government pouring hundreds of billions or trillions into X sector or Y sector to get people hired in specifically those areas..
We thought and thought..and we present the following ideas which you may or may not agree with but debate & discussion can never occur without the idea first being put forth, and so few people in positions of power nationally and regionally who seem capable of original thought.
So we begin...
Idea #1: 'Not All State Sales Taxes Should Be Levied The Same'
The concept put forward is this: Not to paint the argument in simplistic good/bad terms but major behemoth chain stores like Wal-Mart and Target are utterly decimating the local businesses in the locations they inhabit. There's simply no way 'mom & pop' operations are capable of acquiring merchandise in such bulk to get the lower price points needed to sell to the public at lower costs.
It may not be "THE" solution but one way to make it a fair fight is to have lower sales tax rates for local businesses with physical bricks & mortar locations. So for instance, if you go to Wal-Mart to buy a TV set and pay 6-8% sales tax depending on where you live, and the local electronics store only has to collect 1.5% sales tax, where would you go?
This doesn't guarantee the local merchant would end up selling at the lowest price but it does make the playing field a bit more level. And you're supporting your community.
And what happens to that lost sales tax revenue, you may ask?
We answer with a question of our own: Which is better, an operational store taking up physical space in a community that is collecting 1.5% sales tax while keeping people hired so they're not forced to collect unemployment, food stamps, etc.. OR force everyone to collect 6% which means small business is always behind the 8 ball, and the continual eradication of local 'Main Street' retail?
Idea #2: 'Corporate Tax Cuts/Breaks AFTER Hiring, Not Before'
Currently, Governments whether it be Federal, State or Municipal/Local will pass legislation that gives tax breaks or lowers the overall corporate tax rate, especially for multi-nationals. This is usually done in the hope or eventual expectation that the corporations, out of the goodness of their precious little hearts, will start hiring again.
But businesses, especially corporations do not possess hearts. They're cold, calculating bastards... What is the bottom line? That is what counts.
So.. simply put, legislation is put forth that offers tax cuts or a specific amount of tax reduction per worker to the businesses and corporations AFTER they hire.
Retain new workers (sorry, temps and part timers with no benefits do not count) and for every calendar year they are kept in payroll, the business will get tax breaks and other reduction-deductions. The more people hired, the larger the tax break... BUT if the company 'cleverly' decides to downsize or restructure by shedding thousands of jobs, the tax rates go UP.
The concept is really no different than a manufacturer rebate. Do you get that $5 check in the mail before fulfilling the terms to receive the money while the corporation patiently waits?? NO. You buy the product First. You fulfill the terms First (like sending UPC codes,etc) and THEN you get the rebate.
Corporations like doing it to us... it can be done back.
Idea #3: 'Designated Jobs Available for Each Education Level'
This idea is a little more complex than the others and realistically would only have a chance at implementation and success with public sector (governmental) hiring rather than the private sector, and focuses on employment for the less-educated.
Currently, because its so difficult to find work with a college degree (since they're pretty much worthless since just about everyone has one), a lot of jobs that do not require such levels of education are being filled by these people to the detriment of those with less education who the work is more suited for.
Even in this complex, technological world we live in, a college degree is not necessary to mop floors, clean toilets or answer the telephone in a friendly voice.
And just like one really didn't need a 4 year degree to work the cash register at McDonalds or restock shelves at Staples, a degree is overkill when completing tasks like vacuuming a carpet, light bookkeeping (A then B followed by C) or landscaping (mowing, shrubbery,etc)
So in order to get lower-educated people working which by extension will lower the number of people dependent on government assistance and make them less likely to commit economic crime (burglary, robbery,etc) you have to make sure there's jobs available to fit their education level (or lack thereof). That means for minimal skill positions, college educated need not apply-- they will be turned down.
And hyperbole and moral platitudes aside, these people will always exist in the greater society and those of lesser education but a good work ethic have the same right to an opportunity to survive and make a living as anyone with accredited degrees in worthlessness.
What about those with college educations who need those menial jobs to make ends meet? We won't go into how sad a state it is to even be in that positions.. We will argue that there's other options than wearing a shitty polo shirt with buttons and straightening the shelves at BestBuy and Target.
1) Go back to school and get education in areas actually hireable and where your jobs will not be outsourced... like nursing, car repair, carpentry, electrician/plumber.etc
2) Start your own business.. Its not something everyone has natural skill and ability in so we don't want to make it sound like you're guaranteed to make it big, but at least you're being pro-active
3) Make yourself invaluable-- When 100 people with the same worthless shit degrees in nothing apply for the same position, do you know what makes 1 stand out among the rest? An Intangible. For instance, a genuine warm smile that isn't fake or contrived (invaluable in sales positions). You wouldn't believe how genuinely difficult it is for people in this text/tweet society to possess face-to-face social skills.
Or acquire on your own a vast knowledge of the company you are applying for, or product/service you will be working in (all it takes is you taking the effort on your own to learn all you can and demonstrate it via the interview) Who wouldn't want to hire someone who seems Sincerely excited to work for them vs someone just happy to collect a check?
Not every company is looking to hire the person who's willing to work the cheapest or give up the most personal free time to them.
Think of it like this... in football, there are currently 30 starting quarterbacks, but only ONE Peyton Manning... only ONE Tom Brady... and they are worth far more to their current employers than 10 average-joes who can simply throw a football. They possess Intangibles in their field which makes them Winners.
So there-- we kicked around some ideas how to create jobs and get people working. Most we doubt will be implemented. Politicians work for the corporations via political donations, not us,
But from one match, comes a fire, and even in a terrible economy like presently, every person who has the motivation can take charge of their life and develop something about themselves that makes them appear Invaluable to an employer.